As VOM’s support project for our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan continues, we are pleased to bring you another update.

We are currently serving Christians who have gone into hiding in a number of different locations in Afghanistan. Funds from your donations have reached them and given them the means to buy living essentials.

As we prayerfully started this special ministry project, there was much chaos and significant obstacles hindering our work. It seemed like an almost impossible task, but God heard our collective prayers and opened the way for our team to locate many Christians who need our help. The second answer to prayer came in the distribution of emergency funds to these Christians. We could not have gotten this far apart from your prayers during these past few weeks. We ask that you remain with us in prayer as we continue to seek the Lord’s leading in finding places of safety for these Christians. 

We thank you for your continued intercession and standing in the gap for the household of faith in Afghanistan and also for the rest of the country.  

“I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land…” – Ezekiel 22:30 (NKJV)

Every dollar donated to ‘Emergency Response Afghanistan’ is used in support of this project.