Dear Friends,

During this time of celebration of the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, let us take a moment to remember those who do not have the privilege, as we do, to openly celebrate.

Living under the threat of persecution, however, faith surpasses all the suffering, threats and exclusion.

Voice of the Martyrs is running a campaign which will put a smile on the faces of many children. We will be distributing Christmas Care packs in several restricted nations. Each pack will include a children’s Bible and other items including toiletries, food and school supplies.

The smiles of children bring some relief and happiness to their families, many of which have experienced ongoing food shortages, coupled with restrictions on practising their faith freely.

We often hear in churches around this time that Christmas is about Christ and what He has done for us. We celebrate the birth of our Saviour, as the precious gift to humanity.

Yet for those who sacrifice so much for the love of the Gospel, a little extra joy surely is never misplaced.

The joy is not only for the gifts of filled backpacks, but the greater joy of encouragement to overcome the obstacles placed before them in their faith, whatever their age.

As you celebrate Christmas, I challenge you to reflect on all the blessings you have experienced this year and draw strength from those who suffer for the name of Jesus.

“But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance” Romans 8:25.

I pray you and your loved ones will be blessed as you celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas. Let it be a season of love, peace and joy, overflowing into 2021.

If you would like to financially support our Christmas Care project, please go to:

Voice of the Martyrs Australia is an endorsed deductible gift recipient (DGR) by the Australian government. This means you can claim tax deductions for all donations over $2 to Voice of the Martyrs Australia on your tax return.

Abundant blessings,
Tony Benjamin