After several conversations about Jesus with Peng, her 14-year-old friend, 15-year-old Sa accepted Christ as her Lord and Saviour.

Leaders in Sa’s village have a history of persecuting Christians, and numerous villagers hate Christians. Many believers have been evicted. When Sa’s parents learned she had accepted Christ and was attending church, they yelled at her for following the “religion of foreigners”. Despite their anger, Sa remained firm in her faith.

On 20 November, her parents took her clothes and threw them outside. They told her to “go live with the Christians.” Sa is currently staying with Peng and her mother, who is a widow.

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

  • Pray that Sa will continue to grow in faith and that she will feel the Lord’s comforting and encouraging presence as she copes with the trauma of her loss.
  • Pray that God will bless Peng and her mother for their faithfulness and hospitality. Pray He will help them care for Sa.
  • Pray also that Sa’s parents and others in the community will hear the Gospel and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour just as Sa did.