Three Christian families from the Akha tribe were expelled from their village recently after refusing to renounce their faith in Christ.

Earlier this year, village authorities called the Christians to a meeting that included members of the Lao Patriotic Front. After accusing the believers of abandoning Akha customs and failing to follow the rules and traditions of the village, authorities told them that if they would not renounce their “Jesus religion” they would have to leave the village.

The Christians told them they would not renounce their faith in Christ, pointing out they had not broken any laws, but wanted to stay in the village. At that point, village leaders loaded the Christians and their belongings onto a truck, drove them to some empty farmland outside the village and left them. The authorities then destroyed the Christians’ homes in the village.

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

  • Ask the Lord to generously provide for these families. Pray He will give them courage, and continue to keep them spiritually strong.
  • Pray the Lord will use the unwavering faith of these believers as a witness to the power of the Gospel.
  • Pray for the village authorities, that the Lord will reveal Himself to them and that they too will find salvation in Jesus Christ.