Christians in Pakistan face difficulty, discrimination and persecution because of their Christian identity. Making up just 1.8% of the population, they are relegated to the lowest, dirtiest, most menial jobs. Christians are among the most impoverished in Pakistan and are susceptible to debilitating health conditions.

Most work as bonded labourers in brick kilns, in factories, mills, on the land or as manual labourers. Children frequently work alongside their parents to complete daily work quotas. They usually work on daily wages which is just enough to cover their most basic needs. Medical care is out of reach.

In 2020, for the second year, Voice of the Martyrs Australia helped provide much-needed healthcare for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan.

In September and October, 800 women and 900 children were examined by Christian medical and technical practitioners. Patients received vaccinations, testing and treatment for various health concerns. As many as 60% of children and 45% of women were severely anaemic, and several needed blood transfusions.

Additionally, 750 older men and women were screened for eye problems with 47 of them receiving sight-
restoring operations.

Health and hygiene education was also provided.

The recipients were grateful to have access to healthcare specialists, free of charge. They were thankful to God for the care and concern shown by Australian Christians.

This year, Voice of the Martyrs intends to repeat this project. If you would like to partner with us to provide much-needed healthcare to Pakistani Christians in 2021, please donate to VOMedical.

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Voice of the Martyrs Australia is an endorsed deductible gift recipient (DGR) by the Australian government. This means you can claim tax deductions for all donations over $2 to Voice of the Martyrs Australia on your tax return.