Why Every Leader Should Be Aware of the Herd Instinct

Why Every Leader Should Be Aware of the Herd Instinct

By: Michael McQueen The human being is a tribal creature. We operate as a ‘we’ far more reliably than we operate as an ‘I’, and our compulsion for conformity is consistently stronger than our impulse towards individuality. This revelation has...
Debunking the Myth of ‘Mind Over Matter’

Debunking the Myth of ‘Mind Over Matter’

By: Michael McQueen We all like to believe we put our mind over matter. Overall, we are rational agents with free will who have control over our bodies, impulses and sensations. However, more and more studies are emerging that prove this belief to be far from the...
Parenting an ADHD Child

Parenting an ADHD Child

By: Dr Justin CoulsonADHD is one of the most provocative diagnoses that exists in the world of child and adolescent psychology. Tell someone that your child has ADHD and armchair experts will tell you exactly what the issue is: There was no such thing as ADHD when I...
The Spanking Debate: Changing Minds Takes a Generation

The Spanking Debate: Changing Minds Takes a Generation

By: Dr Justin CoulsonSmacking is one of those topics in parenting that never really goes away. It’s always in the headlines or creating some kind of provocation on social media.The reason? There’s a disconnect.A little under half of the Australian public...