As a Christian, How Much Money Should I Leave to My Kids?

As a Christian, How Much Money Should I Leave to My Kids?

By: Ben Allsop At various stages of our life there are points where we need to make significant decisions about what happens when the Lord calls us home.It’s not an easy thing to think about.Here in Australia, research suggests that almost half of us don’t...
As a Christian, How Should I Think About Risk?

As a Christian, How Should I Think About Risk?

By: Ben Allsop It seems that almost every aspect of life has the potential to be turned on its head at the moment.Things that seemed so predictable are being challenged and almost everything feels like it has a measure of risk.But even in more “normal”...
3 Quick-Fire Principles for Choosing a Charity to Support

3 Quick-Fire Principles for Choosing a Charity to Support

By: Ben Allsop Part of giving effectively is not just knowing what we’re passionate about, but also finding a way to make an impact.For most of us, that comes down to choosing a charity or organization that we can support financially.So how do you choose an...