by user | Feb 14, 2023 | Lifestyle
By: The Centre for Effective LivingLean bodies, taut muscles, chiselled noses and waif bodies. We cannot escape these images around us.The gym and boot camp culture pushes exercise and body sculpting to a consumer product. The message is clear – produce the...
by user | Mar 3, 2021 | Parenting
By: Katrina RoeIt’s pretty clear that something is going wrong with our girls when parents report that primary-aged girls are attempting to cut off their tummy fat with scissors.Reportedly 55 per cent of girls between the ages of eight and nine are dissatisfied...
by user | Nov 11, 2020 | Parenting
By: Dr Justin CoulsonBody image issues are common in children. Here are three things you can do starting today to help ANY child who is experiencing concerns about their appearance.Hi Dr Justin,I wanted to ask your advice about my 2.5 year old daughter. Recently she...
by user | Mar 10, 2020 | Parenting
By: Collett SmartPart of my day job sees me lucky enough to spend time with teens. I have run media literacy seminars for students, in schools around the world, for a number of years now. Whenever I ask a group of tween or teen boys what they think the main area of...