Saved, With Scars – That Jesus Can Heal

Saved, With Scars – That Jesus Can Heal

By: Danni SynotEvery scar has a story….I’ve got a heap of them, one from having my appendix out, three from my gall bladder surgery, one from a swing set, another from a can of dog food, one from a kitchen sink, and a ton of stretch marks from having 4...
Feeling Unmotivated – And How to Deal With It

Feeling Unmotivated – And How to Deal With It

By: Danni SynotI have a confession to make. Sometimes I have days when I just can’t be bothered. I mean really can’t be bothered. I can’t be bothered with the dishes in the sink, or a trip to the shop. At times, a conversation with another human...
What Are You Worth?

What Are You Worth?

By: Danni SynotI don’t know about you, but I love a good milkshake. Anything from plain vanilla, strawberry or chocolate, to a berry milkshake with all the lashings of cream, ice cream, and butterscotch brittle.A couple of months ago I was diagnosed with a heap...
Why Sweet Revenge Is Actually Bitter

Why Sweet Revenge Is Actually Bitter

By: Danni SynotAny other space cadets out there? Creative dreamers? Ally McBeals? Creative gifting is so fun, and God can use us to produce some really innovative and cool stuff, but we have to work really hard sometimes to stay focused!   With me, my imagination...
Getting Off The Merri-Go-Round Of Your Thoughts

Getting Off The Merri-Go-Round Of Your Thoughts

By: Danni SynotI don’t know about you, but sometimes life gets so full on it can almost make you as dizzy as a ride at the carnival. I remember back in high school when a bunch of mates and I decided to go to the show and have some fun on the rides. One of them...