by user | May 6, 2024 | News
By: Helping Hands The Jeremiah Project is an inspiring organisation in Western Sydney that exists to bring hope and a future to people experiencing homelessness. Founded by Jacky Turano and supported by a team of over 110 volunteers, the heartbeat of The...
by user | Feb 22, 2023 | Celebration and Events
By: Mike Crooks Beloved fashion designer Camilla Franks has teamed up with Lifeblood to encourage people to donate blood.For the month of February, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood is hoping to inspire more people to donate blood for those who are suffering...
by user | Jun 6, 2022 | At Work
By: McCrindle With so many charities in the NFP sector, it can feel like a saturated market. Especially with so many other outlets seeking attention, it’s important to make sure you are doing something different and sharing your unique story in a way that...
by user | Mar 19, 2022 | News
By: 96fiveLast weekend saw Australia’s commercial television networks joining together to support flood victims in Queensland and New South Wales, with a telethon that has banked more than $25 million for the Red Cross Flood Appeal. With 100% of the funds raised...
by user | Feb 16, 2022 | At Work
By: Laura BennettBefore there was Zoom fatigue, there was already severe meeting fatigue in many workplaces across Australia. In 2021, it was reported that over 55 million meetings occurred every week in the US, and with the ease of digital access to employees, we can...