If You Want to Truly Help Someone – Listen First

If You Want to Truly Help Someone – Listen First

By: Helping HandsListening is the best place to start when wanting to lend a helping hand. That’s the view of our panellists on a recent episode of Helping Hands.It’s not only the ‘needy’ in our community who benefit from a helping hand. We all...
Finding True Rest in a World That’s Too Busy

Finding True Rest in a World That’s Too Busy

By: City Bible Forum Do you ever feel that you are just “too” busy? And if so, what do you think might be driving it?You might think that you have to do all the things you have in your plate, but what if you realised there were internal drivers making you...
Practise Being Still

Practise Being Still

By: Lorrene McClymont There is a well know verse in Psalm 46: “Be still and know that I am God”. Not for the first time, thinking about it has led me down a rabbit hole. How often do I complain that I don’t hear from God, but I am not actually really...