Is Secularism Good for Society?

Is Secularism Good for Society?

By: Amy Isham  To non-religious people, secularism represents the freedom to live in a way that suits them, and majority religions don’t get to tell them what’s right or wrong. For religious people, secularism can feel like a threat to their spiritual...
Move Conversations From Mundane to Meaningful

Move Conversations From Mundane to Meaningful

By: Amy Isham & Craig Josling Are your chats with colleagues about the weather, the patchy video call connection or the quality of the coffee in your building?There are ways to make the conversations deeper, more interesting and generally...
3 Truths to Navigate in a Season of Uncertainty

3 Truths to Navigate in a Season of Uncertainty

By: Sonja Chua In 2019, I spent seven months in Israel for my research attachment as a graduate student.As I reflect on my journey to and in Israel, I have seen how God provided for me and grew my faith through 19 flights, eight airports, five countries/states and a...
Three Things to Get Right When Your Work Feels ‘Meh’

Three Things to Get Right When Your Work Feels ‘Meh’

By: Andrew Laird Monday morning, and it’s wet and grey outside. You’re staring at your screen, the blinking cursor the only movement on the page for the last few minutes.You’ve got to do that thing you’ve been putting off for a while, but...