How to Find Self Acceptance

How to Find Self Acceptance

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez I struggle deeply with self-acceptance. I’ve struggled with it all my life.You often hear people say about how you have to learn to accept yourself. There is a lot of truth in that. It isn’t just true for Christians. It’s true...
Grab Your Confidence

Grab Your Confidence

By: Lorrene McClymontConfidence is a funny thing…..when we have it we can conquer the world, when we don’t have it we approach things differently, we are intimidated and scared to step out into new things. So many times, I have looked at someone and...
Don’t Need God? You Might Have Samson Syndrome

Don’t Need God? You Might Have Samson Syndrome

By: Dr Eliezer GonzalezSamson had a dilemma. He was so strong! What did he need God for?Samson knew that he was destined to fight and defeat the Philistines. He also knew that he had exceptional strength. He killed a lion with his bare hands. He killed 30 Philistines...