The Dying Art of Disagreeing Well

The Dying Art of Disagreeing Well

By: Akos Balogh ‘Whatever you do, don’t bring up politics’, says my cousin as we walk into the restaurant. ‘There are strong opinions in the extended family for and against Viktor Orban’s government, and conversations can get very...
Wrestling with History in an Age That Disregards it

Wrestling with History in an Age That Disregards it

By: Dr Sarah Irving-Stonebraker In our culture today, there is a strange set of attitudes toward history.On the one hand, there’s a highly politicised approach to the past, in which people care passionately about history’s symbols and what they represent,...
A Refreshing Conversation Between an Atheist and Christian

A Refreshing Conversation Between an Atheist and Christian

By: Robert MartinThere is little doubt that the question of the reality of God is a question which polarises and divides. Why is there such passionate disagreement? Does what we believe even matter? Would it be better people simply stopped bringing it up?Some time...