Why Are We So Angry? The Hidden Culprit We May Be Missing

Why Are We So Angry? The Hidden Culprit We May Be Missing

By: Sheridan Voysey I recently sat in a doctor’s office waiting for a routine check-up. Tired of scrolling my phone, uninterested in the dog-eared gardening magazine on the table nearby, I paid the information screen on the wall more attention than usual. A...
Boxing Day Blah

Boxing Day Blah

By: Sheridan Voysey One of my favourite Christmas artworks is a painting called The Nativity by contemporary artist Brian Kershisnick. The first thing that strikes you is the hundreds of angels swooping across the canvas to get their first glimpse of...
This Simple Act Can Really Make Your Life Count

This Simple Act Can Really Make Your Life Count

By: Sheridan Voysey One day in 2011, Emily Kenward was walking down Lavender Street in Brighton, UK. She’d walked this street many times before, but now saw it with fresh eyes. Gazing up at its blocks of high-rise council flats, she noticed that many had their...
How an Act of Grace Could End Up Saving You

How an Act of Grace Could End Up Saving You

By: Sheridan Voysey I have no idea why, but when anything gets too popular, I lose interest. Hip Hop was cool until it went mainstream. I ignored The Hunger Games, have never watched Eastenders, and haven’t seen Barbie (but I have...