Syamusudini began sharing the Gospel with friends at school after being rejected by his Muslim family and moving in with a local pastor.

One of his friends, Muhindo, listened carefully and soon decided that he, too, would follow Christ. Since he didn’t speak Arabic, Muhindo had never understood the Muslim prayer services, but he understood the words of Jesus.

Like his friend, Muhindo was rejected by his family. When his father learned of his Christian faith, he came after Muhindo with a machete. Muhindo then fled to his friend, where he was welcomed as part of the family. “I am a new creation, and I understand the one I pray to,” he said.

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

  • Praise God for the faithfulness of these two young men. Pray their witness may be powerfully used by God.
  • Thank Him for the love and care they have received since being rejected by their families.
  • Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to Muhindo and Syamusudini’s family members.