We provide medical assistance for Christians who have been injured or are suffering ill health from persecution, including forced poverty and discrimination. This is accomplished by providing medical examinations, along with testing and treatment including surgery, prescriptions, healthcare supplies, prosthetics, specialised counselling and rehabilitation.

These select examples have been chosen to provide an overview of how Voice of the Martyrs encouraged and assisted persecuted Christians with the help of our supporters, in 2021.

Nigeria (Muslim world) – Medical Clinic

VOM helped to provide medical care for the underserved and impoverished people in the north, who have suffered more than two decades of attacks on their towns and villages. Services are provided for those who are destitute and/or displaced. Many survivors of Fulani attacks, Boko Haram terrorism and related hardship have been able to gain lifesaving medical intervention.

Funds provided: $40,000

Pakistan (Muslim world) – Medical Testing and Treatment

Many Christians in Pakistan suffer discrimination in education and employment; they live in Christian colonies or slums and struggle to provide for themselves and their families. Funds were provided for medical teams to offer eye screening and surgeries, plus testing and treatment for nutritional deficiencies and infections. Medical staff attended to over 2,000 people.

Funds provided: $22,330